Friday, 6 April 2012

Virtual Essay

For this virtual essay, I have chosen to complete option 1, and I was inspired by Andy Warhol, and I attempted to mimic a self-portrait he completed of himself. Andy Warhol, although more recognized for his paintings and films, used colour as his inspiration. Warhol is best known for his use of pop art, mostly taken in inspiration of consumer goods and celebrities (Biography, 2012). As an internationally acclaimed artist, Warhol revolutionized art in the 1950s up until his death in 1987 (Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh, 2012). Warhol used his radical works in art that created different ways to express his opinions to society of the era, so that the public voice may rely on their own imaginations (Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh, 2012). Due to the fact that his works were extremely ambiguous and created multiple interpretations of what his work attempted to represent, society became intrigued by his works then, and still do so today (Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh, 2012). Andy Warhol is a very important artist, as he challenged traditional boundaries in art, as well as in life, and showcased his love for art in a non-boundary practice and felt that virtually anything can become art (Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh, 2012).
Warhol self-portrait.

I felt intrigued by the use of colour expressionism and phrases that Warhol attached in his images, and wanted to create a similar set of photo. To make my photographs similar to the work of Warhol, I asked my sister to pose similar to those of Warhol in his images. After doing so, I used and edited to images to create a similar saturated effect that Warhol achieved in his images. I then adjusted to colours to somewhat resemble those he used, and then attaching the same line that is captioned in each photo.

I think that this photo in particular is of importance because of Warhol’s struggles in his life. Warhol was out casted prior to his fame, and looked upon as a misfit, especially due to his homosexual lifestyle (Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh, 2012). This self-portrait of images created by Warhol, in a sense provides his self-confidence in himself as well as in his art. Warhol’s self-portrait, as well as others photos of himself, tries to convey messages about him as an artist and a human being (Spens, 2005). The self-portrait of him expresses all the identities he took on as ‘masks’ and his complex personal identity (Spens, 2005).

With that said, I felt that this photo would be a good source to inspire my own photos. I chose to as my sister to be the model in my photos because as an individual whom is multi-facet and has many dimensions to her personality. I felt that since my sister is in her teenage years making a transition to a young adult, these colours and phrases captioned into the photos fit well with her, which provided me my end result in the five photos I have created, inspired by Warhol.

I feel that the style used by Andy Warhol in his self-portray really convey messages of his life style and him as a person, which I found much inspiration in. I felt that it would be interesting to see an older teenager become represented by the colour and phrases used in the image by Warhol. I feel that may end result is quite similar to Warhol’s and really captures who Warhol and my sister really are. I feel that these phrases and colours in this style Warhol created can fit into almost any personality, which is really where my inspiration stemmed from, as I have a background in psychology and this interests me. The images I have created and those created by Warhol in his self-portray really attempt to stir the critically thinking skills of audiences looking at the images, trying to find meaning in what exactly the see in the photographs.


Biography. (2012). Andy warhol biography. Retrieved April 1, 2012, from

Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh. (2012). Warhol: exposures 1970s gallery. The Andy Warhol Museum. Retrieved April 1, 2012, from

Spens, C. S. C. (2005). Andy Warhol Self-Portraits. Studio International - Visual Art, Design and Architecture. Retrieved April 1, 2012, from